We just need to elect good people

An Elect Good People blog

There is a never-ending mission that we all have a part in. A mission to create a more just world where we have good leaders that better represent all groups of people.

That is the most simple way to put it. We need leaders who are good people. We need to know that the people making decisions on our behalf are in the business of helping us succeed. Not in the business of personal gain. We would like to see more of these people in office, wouldn’t you? 

And here’s the thing- these people exist everywhere. I know, it seems hard to believe but there are people out there who want to fight for you and help you succeed. These are the people who understand that when one of us wins, we all win. And these people want to be elected into office- we just need to know who they are, and help them get there. 

“Vote because we deserve leaders who see us, who hear us and who are willing to act on our demands.” 

Stacey Abrams

If you’re wondering what kinds of people would fit this role, visit runforsomething.net and look at their candidates for 2021. Run for Something helped elect nearly 250 candidates in 2020. These candidates consist of more than half women, more than half BIPOC leaders, and more than 20% LGBTQ+.1 Many of these people come from groups that have been consistently underrepresented in government- and they are looking to change that. Think of the untapped perspectives and ideas these candidates have that could change the world if we just gave them the support to do it.  

One beautiful thing about our world is that we have such a diverse mix of cultures, identities and backgrounds. How great would it be if we could see this diversity reflected in our leadership? 

This is why we want you to vote. It is time to nominate people who are there for the right reasons. We have the numbers to bring fresh, bright people into office but we need to take action to make it happen. Otherwise we will be stuck with the same cycle- feeling unimportant and unnoticed by our leaders. Let’s put our votes to good use and bring in a new wave of leaders that will be the reason our whole world changes.

  1. https://runforsomething.net

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