Meet Mike McFall, running for State House Representative in the New House District 8 of Michigan!
Mike’s journey to candidacy begins in 2020 when his husband went through a mental health crisis that required them to look for outside help. Getting the support they needed was so difficult that it showed Mike just how broken the mental health system in Michigan is. He let us know that most mental health matters in his state are handled by police and judges instead of more specialized, trained officials. This is what inspired him to run for State House Rep.
Even before this decision, Mike has been involved in government as the Mayor Pro Tem of Hazel Park, Michigan. He was elected in 2019 and continues to serve his community and the people who live there.
When we asked Mike about the biggest issues in his district, this is what he told us: Michigan is #48 in revenue sharing from state to local communities. To put it in simpler terms, Communities in the state of Michigan are not receiving enough money from the state government to fund their needs. Many of the roads in these communities need repairing, yet there is not much movement to make it happen. Mike told us that communities have had to fundraise for simple things like playgrounds which could easily be covered by the taxes that the community members already pay. These simple fixes could be achieved with the right leadership who can advocate for the proper allocation of state funds and resources.
Another one of Mike’s goals is to bring funding back to communities not only to improve infrastructure, but also to fund cultural institutions in the state. In his district, there is the Detroit Institute of Arts and Wayne State University which are greatly important cultural centers in Michigan.
Mike wants you to know that Michigan is a beautiful place full of culture, small business and progress. While some people still see Detroit for what it used to be, it has grown immensely and is on its way back up. We learned that Mike also works for the William Syndrome Association, a nonprofit that aims to help those born with a rare genetic disorder. Mike has actually spent most of his career in the nonprofit space, working to help others.
He wants his district to know this, “No matter who you are and where you live, I will represent you and your issues.” Mike aims to be accessible all the time—not just during election season.
A fun fact about Mike is that he has a passion for learning to play the violin and would love to try fencing soon and take on a new sport! Sounds fun!